"i just like good souls,
knowing them, being one,
it's kind of all that really matters"
~butterflies rising
What does Self-Love look like to you?
For me it has looked many different ways over the last several years,
it started off as a cup of coffee,
it slowly has turned into a slow morning; with music, some comfortable warm clothes
and a leisurely walk around my neighborhood.
Breathing in the sounds of birds, watching the sun awaken the world,
and on a perfect day; I get to go home
grab my keys and drive to my favorite Esthetician.
We should all have one,
a powerful woman who listens to our stories
while comforting us
verbally, physically, emotionally, spiritually
Her hands strong, capable; filled with passion.
Her words reassuring; passing the forever knowledge shes gained from each client.
a warm blanket wrapped around us, allowing us to finally escape from the world around us.
She gives us many things;
a place to laugh,
to cry,
to sleep
But most importantly,
She gives us a place to feel unconditional love.
This is a gift, one that she herself may not even know she is giving.
We leave this place with many gifts;
a new found confidence,
a lighter heart,
and a calming new peace.
This is Self-Love; a gift from one woman to another,
we pass along the knowledge we've gained
from your skin, to your life, to your love.

Your Esthetician
Owner of Dandi Lion Aesthetics